Sal Nodding

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since Oct 25, 2019
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Native Plants and Trees.
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Chicago IL
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Recent posts by Sal Nodding

Thank-you, I like this and I hadn’t thought of anything like it. I’ll keep reading and practice first. We’ll look into this way.
1 year ago
Hello, ideas please.
How would you re-sew 3 older lawn chairs with broken stitching? The frames are in reasonable shape for another few summers of rain and sun in the Midwest US. They were given to our community garden.

The fabric might be vinyl. What do you recommend that our volunteers use to fix these?
What are the right needles, string or thread? How will we stretch the fabric to make a taut seat? The seats are uncomfortable now with sagging and taut hitting your legs.

1 year ago
Edward, your spiral herb bed is inspiring us for our community garden. I don’t see the pond. Is the bed 3’wide at widest point? What is the height? Thanks!
2 years ago
We have Goodwill, churches that collect for the needy, recycling options, places to donate building supplies. I try to keep unloved stuff out of landfill, including nails, ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals.
Save a scrap from landfill, earn a breath of fresh air.
I like permaculture soil building with layers because it digests cardboard, precious paper & untreated lumber, the raised bed gardeners’ “old soil.”

I live in a city, so some of these things are easier than if I had to drive a long way.
4 years ago
Your have a cool idea about using dog fur for yarn.  I hope solve our problem.

The fur of the beloved family dog was too short to enjoy. The little fibers were so short that the yarn/tread was scratchy to the touch. We loved the dog, but her soft, warm coat became a sweet memory.

Good luck.
5 years ago