Bonnie Haralson

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since Mar 30, 2020
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Recent posts by Bonnie Haralson

What timing! Thank you, Ernie and Erica! Visiting family in Alaska, and had a conversation just last night about this cold spell, and remarked how much colder parts of the lower 48 are right now! I brought up the topic of RMH's, and my plan to check on the possibility of using Portland's guidelines in our county (we're just across the Columbia River in Clark County, WA). Hope everyone, with or without a RMH stays warm and safe! My sis in Kila, MT, just reported 40-below temps this morning.
1 year ago
On my bucket list for the day my kitchen remodel becomes reality is cabinets with pull-out shelving! No more taking out everything in the front to get to the items buried at the back of the cabinet. I have a small island with a silverware drawer and 2 pull-out shelves underneath. I treasure those shelves, and hope to replace my existing shelves in the cabinets soon. Also, a full-height pull-out spice cabinet is high on my list, also!
1 year ago
A product we've been using, with good results, is Chlorine Dioxide, also known as MMS. Never specifically for parasites, but any type of infection we've thrown it at immediately begins subsiding. There's scare literature on the internet about it, but doesn't seem to amount to much, when you strip away the husks...basically, high potency can cause issues (is there anything that really falls outside of this?). I'm getting info from the "The Universal Antidote" webpage. Best of luck to you, with all that you're trying! Disheartening to lose animals, and especially when the reason is elusive!
2 years ago
Followed the link and set reminder. I wasn't able to see a way to set a reminder time though. A message appeared saying that I'll be reminded when it goes live. Oh, and it gives the date and time as Mar 10, 6:00am. Is that the right time?
2 years ago
I'm wondering if it would work to sprout the grains, grind them with liquid (they'd be a batter), and then add them into a sourdough starter that's ready for more food! Hmmm..sounds like a fun experiment! Anyone tried this?
3 years ago
Welcome, Ginny! Your mill is beautiful, and definitely a change from how I'm currently grinding my rye berries for making sourdough bread -- a Vitamix! I know the high temps generated by the machine are less beneficial, so will enjoy learning about yours.
3 years ago
Excellent information! Many thanks...
My neighbor has a yardful of maple trees, and I've been able to help myself to as much as I want the past several years. Getting into leaf mold is the best...she stacks fresh leaves on top of the pile, so I take those first, and use them to put around plants that need mulch. The older stuff...yum, the smell is absolutely phenomenal...I use in my raised beds and outdoor potted plants.
3 years ago
I've been noticing stiffness in my feet. They were becoming more painful to walk on, and especially near the joints, were tender to the touch. I do not have a diagnosis of arthritis, so this certainly may be due to something else. My diet consists mainly of fruit, vegs, and meat, with some rice and garbanzo bean products (hummus, noodles). Doing more to change my diet was not on the top of my list, so I tried a therapy that seemed to really make an immediate difference, called TRT, or Tissue Regenerative Therapy.  Here's a quote about it:  "During a TRT treatment high energy sound waves are delivered to painful, injured, or degenerated areas of the body. This stimulates healing and tissue regeneration. During this process blood circulation is improved and stem cell activity is initiated to enhance the body’s ability to heal and regenerate damaged tissue."
I'm enthused to try it again! The practitioner had me walk around between getting the left and right foot done. The one that had been treated felt almost like rubber, it was so flexible!
That said, I do feel that there would be a variety of herbs, etc. that would also be of help. I will look into ideas posted here if needed!
3 years ago
My favorite winter driving experience was while my hubby was driving our 2wd Civic on a mountain road. Just puttin' along, enjoying the beauty. Came upon a guy in a jacked-up Chevy truck with big wide (no tread) street tires stuck in the soft snow. He was sorta upset, what with his babe on the seat next to him and all. Stopped to ask if they needed a hand. He kept sizzling the tires, not going anywhere. I suggested he use his atv loading racks to get traction, which worked at the expense of the racks. He said, "I'm no city boy...I know how to drive in the snow!" That was the last we saw of them...we quietly eased away in our tiny 2wd car, chuckling at the situation!
3 years ago
What a great idea! I'm currently deep into two projects which would be lovely to continue to focus on for the next week and a half...first, we are moving onto a friend's land. This entails getting our living quarters finished up (24ft trailer and a 17ft retired bread van), and our remaining belongings sorted and packed, so the house canbe put on the market. So far, I've gone through the kitchen (except the fridge), the closets, and my clothing. After being settled in our current home for 20+ years, there's a LOT to go through!!
The second project is a quest to breed Black Soldier Fly larvae! I purchased my first lot; they grew up and crawled off to get ready to hatch into flies. At that point, I had the option of letting them hibernate until warmer spring weather came, or keep some of them indoors to see what happens...I chose the latter! Found a mesh clothes hamper to start them in, and gave them a 3" layer of leaf mulch to burrow into. After a day or two, I noticed them moving. Fed them bananas until they stopped eating (4 days or so), then kept the mulch damp and waited, and watched! A week later, I found 2 flies hatched! Then, like popcorn, they exploded! I currently have around 100 flies, and was able to see several pairs breeding. They're slowing down their movements now, so am waiting for them to die off, and see if the females laid eggs that grow into larvae. There are many yellow spots on the sides of the mesh, so they may be eggs. If no eggs were laid, I still have the rest of the batch to hatch out when it warms up.
I really like reading about the projects you others are immersed in! Brings me back to the reality that life is more than the current unrest...
4 years ago