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Karee Ami

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since May 26, 2020
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I am a 23 year old adventurer. I built a custom campervan that I've been using to travel the U.S. with my dog, Frankie.
I've really grown fond of starting my own homestead, but I definitely lack the skills. I would love an opprotunity to give a helping hand with a pre existing homestead so one day I can build my own!
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Recent posts by Karee Ami

Happy solstice!

Honestly, it sounds like you're living the dream to me. But I also understand, since I definitely seem to have more motivation working with a partner too.

If you'd be interested in a sort of platonic setup, let me know!
4 years ago
A little about me:
I am 23. With the help of my dad, I converted a van into a camper. It's equipped with a working sink and solar energy. So I have a tiny bit of experience with that! I've used this van to travel with my dog for the last couple of months.

I am open to any type of work.Farming, building on a homestead, working with animals. I will be in the Northern California / Oregon area this July. I would prefer a longer term position somewhere.

I can stay in my van provided I have access to water. Frankie (my dog) will have to stay with me. He is very low maintenance, but can be troublesome with other dogs at first.

If it sounds I'm a good fit, or you have more questions, email me at
4 years ago
I'm unable to direct message you on here.
Could you email me at ?
I'm really interested in this opprotunity!
Wow, this sounds like an amazing opprotunity! I have spent the last year traveling the U.S. in my van, but I'm ready to settle down and learn some much needed skills.

I'm very interested in your homestead! I unfortunately don't have farm experience, but I am hard working and a fast learner.

I do have a 55 lb lab mix who would have to join me. He is my ride or die!

You can email me at if you have any questions! I would love to work with you.
4 years ago
This is definitely interesting to me! I have been traveling the U.S. in my campervan for about a year now. I would LOVE the opportunity to learn how to homestead! One day, I want to have one of my own, so I'd definitely stay until I learn all the ins and outs, which I imagine would take a good chunk of time.

I don't currently have experience, but I am a fast learner and hard worker.

I do have a 55 lb lab mix who would have to come with me though!

If you have anymore questions, you can email me at
4 years ago