Laryssa Kwo

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since Jun 18, 2020
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I've been keeping bees for over 10 years. /varroa mites are not ideal, but there are a lot of ways to treat for them. It's important to do three things - mite tests monthly to monitor the levels, treat when needed (it's ket to know the time frames for this), and use IPM to keep mite levels low naturally.

Small hive beetle doesn't need to be managed. When a hive is strong and has low mite levels they deal with SHB all on their own. However, a screened bottom with an oil pan below will catch a lot if you don't like seeing them walking around in the hive.

I've found that the guys at do a great job teaching about this so it doesn't sound too complicated. They also are very responsive if you have a direct question for them. It really isn't difficult to deal with mites. Personally, I think gardening is way harder. At least with beekeeping, all you have to really deal with is 1 pest and there are lots of treatments to bring levels down if needed.
4 years ago