Linda Brodeur

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since Nov 01, 2020
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Recent posts by Linda Brodeur

The inventor of the Fokin Hoe reminds me of the ingenuity of my husband, he was remodeling a bank into office space and took part of the over night deposit contraption and is making me a broadfork! I would LOVE to own one. Am I getting TOO cheesey?
2 years ago
I would LOVE to own one of these Fokin Hoe!! PLEASE pick me, pick me!!
2 years ago
This looks amazing and I hope I get blessed with one! Getting older isn't for the faint of heart that love gardening!!
2 years ago
My love for these cards is more then my hate of using Paypal and all they represent!! I will try to get through my day with the guilt of caving to the man(PayPal) that froze Canadian Truckers accounts when they were practicing their right to peacefully protest! I'm hoping Permies will understand and think about dropping this company, who doesn't believe in our right to express our dissatisfaction with the Government and to change things and live the way we choose. Rant over!
2 years ago
Welcome and thanks for the opportunity to 4 lucky winners this week!! I look forward to an opportunity to become a Lucky Garden Hori Hori knife owner!!
2 years ago
And also stopped Contained Animal Feeding Operations, Tilling and Pesticides.
2 years ago
Welcome Ginny!! I would love to win this beauty!! I bought one off ebay but it doesn't grind very well so not having fresh ground flour at the moment, saving up to buy one someday!!
3 years ago