Kim Hunter

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since Dec 05, 2020
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You could fix a tub or bucket with  a lid in the middle of a teeter totter  and let the kids out to play. The tipping will slosh the clothes back and forth and wash them
3 years ago
Dogs are wonderful animals that help us in many , many ways I could not have built my farm and goat business without the help of a puppy that I adopted from a shelter My animals have given me everything. But they are also just animals and if they get into or cause trouble, it''s not their fault. It's mine. People wonder why I don't dump my best but very destructive horse. It's not his fault I built fences that he can easily destroy. It's not his fault I don't have the time or don't make the time to ride and train him more often. So I'll rebuild the pasture paddocks one fence at a time until the entire place is horse proof. And I'll stop making excuses and invest more time into his care and training.

If you own vulnerable animals like sheep, goats, poultry, it's your job to keep them safe and in safe enclosures when needed. Although poultry costs money, so do dogs. Of the two animals only one will stand between you and a bear. Only one will save you from a burning house. Only one will run for help, corral a herd of loose goats, stay with you until help arrives or find a lost child.

There are many humane ways to contain and train dogs. Make the needed investment and you'll both be much happier.

4 years ago
Didn't read all the posts but goats are browsers not grazers and are better off "pastured" in wooded areas as long as there is green biomass within their reach. They will clear and open up the woods. Feed them hay in the woods and throw grass seed down for them to trample into the soil. Then you will have a shaded pasture.
4 years ago
I rent giant goat herds to clear weeds and brush. Never tether a goat unless you are right next to it the entire time. They will also wrap themselves up in the rope, flip over, be unable to burp, bloat and die. I use electric net fences. Energizers are run from a deep cycle battery with or without a solar panel. Keeps goats in. Keeps most predators out. You will need to cut fence trails a foot or two wide to set the fence up. Keep the paddocks smaller and use a powerful fence energizer to burn through any weeds that touch it.
4 years ago
I think I read that a small amount of electricity in the fog harps would significantly increase the water harvest. I think MIT has a gel that absorbs water from fairly dry air at night and releases it when heated by sun during the day.
4 years ago