Ken Crum

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since Jan 02, 2021
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Scott Valley California
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Recent posts by Ken Crum

Does anyone have experience with?  Roberts red/purple crabapple? It looked like an interesting red fleshed apple. Also, if anyone has it, I would be interested in a scion or if someone could graph/root me a tree I would be willing to pay for that as well. I am having trouble finding it on a standard or semi-standard route stock in the US.
9 months ago
I actually did a presentation on this in my bio chemistry course at chiropractic school. A lot of good points have been made about the amounts of cyanide and amygdalin and I also very much enjoyed the post going over the active enzymes. One other thing to keep in mind is that the enzyme that breaks down amygdalin acts much more slowly than the enzyme that breaks down cyanide. So not only does a very large amount need to be eaten to overwhelm the detoxification but it must be done over a short time. Additionally cyanide is toxic because it prevents hemoglobin from transporting oxygen. It may have some other toxic effects on cancer cells but the one that is a problem for the whole body is the inability to get oxygen to the tissues.
11 months ago
Out of the things you were looking at I would suggest goumi because it stays smaller and both Siberian P and sea berry have thorns. I believe nitrogen fixers tend to grow fairly quickly compared to the other trees, except maybe the peaches, though I believe you can trim them back fairly heavily to encourage them to put nitrogen into the soil.
1 year ago
I thought it might be fun to have a thread discussing the merits of letting Rootstock varieties produce fruit and discussing whether any of them have fruit worth eating. So if you have any experience whether on purpose or from a graft failing or suckers coming up, share below.

I currently have some Antonovka and bud118 Apple trees planted to see what the fruit is like but they are still too small at the moment.
1 year ago
Did this topic pick up somewhere else? if not we should try to set up someway to create a Permies forum for it.
1 year ago
Thanks, that is actually where I was looking at them to begin with. My budget is low so I was looking to graft and they didn’t have either of those rootstocks for sale and I wasn’t sure if there were any compatibility issues with other plumb rootstock or if they would be compatible on Cherry.

I also saw on that there are some of these hybrids that cross pollinate. So if you do not like plums that might be a way to go.
1 year ago
Hey everyone,
I was wondering if anyone had any experience grafting scions from the cherry/plum hybrids. does anyone know what rootstock to use for these trees? Plurry and Nadia Cherry plum. I believe plurries are a combo of European plum and cherry and the one variety Nadia is the only one I’ve seen of a Japanese plum crossed with cherry.
1 year ago
Hi, we really enjoy the American. It is a heritage breed and the fur color can be white blue or a particularly sleek black. Their temperament is quite good for the most part ”there’s always one”. The breeding stock are fairly long lived and productive for most of that lifespan. They grow quickly and can eat forage. they seem to be pretty hearty and don’t require much in the way of grooming or extra care. I also like the mandolin body shape both because I think it looks nice and because it provides nice large hindquarters for roasting.
1 year ago
Looks like the seller on Etsy dug up a few more. This was the listing I found previously.
It only grows to about 2 feet tall. I saw the dwarf Sunray also but it gets to be more in the 6 foot range and I was hoping to use this as more of a low growth plant.
I was wondering if anyone had suggestions for later ripening sweet cherries. Bonus if they’re either self fertile or resistant to bacterial canker. I am in zone seven but have a short growing season so when they can take spring frosts is also helpful. I already have a few trees that are the normal cherry season and would like to have cherries for more than a few weeks during the year.
1 year ago