mia amelia

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This multinational initiative emphasizes both national advantages and the global regulation of emissions. First, with two aims, the Bonn Challenge was initiated in 2011: to get

150 million hectares of deforested and degraded land dedicated to forest conservation by 2020.

Subsequently, the first goal was achieved in 2017, hitting 350 million total hectares by 2030.2 The recording barometer helps countries to evaluate their success, enabling them to remain on track and deliver on commitments, including through political changes. At the national and sub-national

level, the Barometer tests initiatives.

Via regional projects such as AFR100, which aims to restore 100 million hectares of land across Africa by 2030, these

efforts are linked. They use different techniques for reforestation, such as mosaic restoration in North Cameroon, where many people live. 5 Land is less degraded due to planting trees in fields and

grazing areas, as runoff from sudden rainfall flowing from the hills, is reduced.

This often shields the underlying houses because trees are able

to stabilize land and control water, providing citizens with other benefits.
4 years ago