Rebekah Harmon

Apprentice Rocket Scientist
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since May 15, 2021
Merit badge: bb list bbv list
Cute 'Lil mama who lives Healthy, Green, and Brave with 6 kids, in the middle-of-nowhere, Idaho backcountry.
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In the PEA program, which I plan to use for scouts, some of the bbs are different. Im not sure if it would be better to stick to symbols that overlap both programs? Or if it would be cool to symbolize what makes each program different?

For instance, hugelbeds are not in the PEA program. Neither are three log benches. Two loaves of bread are in both. Glass jars are used in both. Foraging bbs are in both. Berries or clover or pineapple weed are in both programs foraging bbs.

In the PEA program, growing sprouts is a bb, making a sauerkraut stomper is also a bb, and sewing on a button.

I've tried to pull out significant bbs that will probably be big memories for SKIPpers earning badges. Maybe some feedback from other PEP1 holders would be affirmative?
Hey Stephen! My mind has been tumbling over symbols to add to your wooden badges. Iconic bbs maybe? Most of PEP1 has a Pick-Your-Own- Adventure, so there's just a few bbs that everyone has to do. Then choosing through those for a bb that can be symbolized un a little icon is another layer of selection, but here are some ideas:
1. A hugelbed cross section. Everyone who does the gardening badge has to build a hugelbed.
2. A ball of yarn? Everyone who goes the textile badge has to make a hot pad or dishcloth.
3. A three log bench? Required for the roundwood badge.
4. A bow saw? Everyone has to cut down a tree for woodland care.
5. A bike tire? Required for tool care badge
6. Cast iron skillet frying an egg? Hasbrowns or pancakes are the vegan alternative for the food prep badge, but they would be harder to picture. Maybe a loaf of bread instead? I'll bet most people with 60BBs have done the 2 loaves BB.
My closet light has been damaged. I've been looking for clothes in the dark! Time for a new fixture.
3 days ago
Morning, Trace! I've had a lot of experience with burns. Was yours a 2nd or 3rd degree burn? How much surface area does it cover? Is there hair growing through it? How old is it? How old are you? Where on your body is the burn?

Besides topical ointments, (of which I recommend making your own) there are supplements and things you can do to physically manipulate the scar from the outside that will help your body remodel it. But which ones I would point you to depends on the answers to the questions I asked. I'm a massage therapist. I've helped burns heal from first aid stage to wound care until it closes, to reducing scars once the wound is closed. Big, whole appendage burns and complicated burns on hand or face surfaces, and smaller surgical scars. I do different things on them all. So let me know and I can be very specific. You're welcome to PM me if you'd rather.

Definitely, a cheese grater will make it worse.
4 days ago
I am bookmarking this thread so I can easily find it. It's a foundation for navigating PEA.
5 days ago
This was a fun breakfast: breakfast sausage mixed with pancake mix and cheese, rolled into a ball with hasbrowns. Like before, 2 lbs sausage plus hashbrows is 2500 ish calories, plus batter and cheese is about 3,000 calories, so 6 plates.

Next is an elk roast with Jojo potatoes, all local, with green beans and bacon on the side. The bacon is a local 4H kids' pig. The green beans are not local. 4 pound roast is about 2,000 cal, according to Google. 8 potatoes worth of Jojo is 1600, green beans and bacon is about 600 cal. 4200 is 8 plates.

Next, a roast chicken, 1500 cal, 8 large potatoes roasted with olive oil, 2000 calories. 2 cans of green beans is 90 calories. So 3600ish is 7 plates.

Then we have elk burgers. Meat is about 2000 cal. For 2 lbs. 8 homeade buns is about 800 cal. 2400 cal for 8 potatoes worth of fries. 5200 cal is about 10 plates.
So here I have a pancake breakfast with applesauce and cherry syrup. All local but the sugar and spices. 1 plate

Next I experimented with homeade cheese on pizzas. Here is a feta like cheese I made and a mozz-like cheese with sausage and chicken on one pizza, cheese on the other. The sauce is my homeade marinara. Crust is local flour. The broccoli served on the side wasn't local. 4,500 cal is 9 plates.

Scrambled eggs breakfast, with my duck eggs, my Arugula, and sprouts made by my son! Just the tomatoes aren't local. 1 plate

Next I have waffles made for breakfast, served with my cherry syrup. I gotta look up how much a recipe is for calorie totals.

Last, I have a deer sausage and hashbrown breakfast. Both the spuds and deer were local. Google says two pounds of deer sausage meat is 1736 cal. The bashbrowns, loaded with deer tallow, were about 800 calories. That's 2536, or 5 plates.
This is deer chili. I used up a bunch of veggies in the freezer. 282 cal for 1 cup, 8 cups here is 2,250 cal.
Plus 8 spuds, 200 cal each. 3,800 cal is 7 plates.
I cooked a chicken that I raised and we had chicken salads. Baby Arugula from my garden!! Just the cabbage and carrots weren't produced by me. I even made the ranch dressing from Goat milk yogurt.

4,000 calorie meal is 8 plates.

Waffles and syrup, I will look up calorie count.

Muffins for breakfast! I'll look up calories. Sometimes I just gotta get it up before I forget or lose the pictures.