This was a fun breakfast: breakfast sausage mixed with pancake mix and cheese, rolled into a ball with hasbrowns. Like before, 2 lbs sausage plus hashbrows is 2500 ish calories, plus batter and cheese is about 3,000 calories, so 6 plates.
Next is an elk roast with Jojo potatoes, all local, with green beans and bacon on the side. The bacon is a local 4H kids' pig. The green beans are not local. 4 pound roast is about 2,000 cal, according to Google. 8 potatoes worth of Jojo is 1600, green beans and bacon is about 600 cal. 4200 is 8 plates.
Next, a roast chicken, 1500 cal, 8 large potatoes roasted with olive oil, 2000 calories. 2 cans of green beans is 90 calories. So 3600ish is 7 plates.
Then we have elk burgers. Meat is about 2000 cal. For 2 lbs. 8 homeade buns is about 800 cal. 2400 cal for 8 potatoes worth of fries. 5200 cal is about 10 plates.