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Joshua Carter

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since Jun 03, 2021
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I cured my chrons, acne, lethargy, depression, anxiety, lightheadedness, insomnia, asthma, etc. with this "diet" (actually not a diet but an understanding of food nutrition).

Its hard to accept but its likely that every disease you have ever suffered comes from a lack of nutrients in your body. People accept that you need iron in your diet, if not you can't produce heme for hemoglobin, and so you can't transport oxygen. Your body simply can't do it without the proteins built off of that element. Well iron isn't special, this is the case with all nutrients. I am not a persuasive writer, so if this is uncompelling I emplore you to watch the video.

Secondly, after nutritional content, diseases are caused by the toxic qualities of our food. This is very important and causes many diseases, but one mistake I often see is considering toxicity before nutrition (this happens a lot on permies).

Its scary to think about my old diet. It had near no nutrients, I do not know how I survived at all (I guess I did technically die a few times in the hospital). Now I am thriving.

The last piece of knowledge that permaculture needs to accept is proper nutrition. We know how to grow foods in the best way, now we need to grow the foods that truly provide our nutrition. Other permaculturists have largely failed in this regard, theres still too much "LOL XD BACON" around these parts.

Anyway, I know this post is all over the place, but I tried to throw out as many hooks as possible to get people to watch this video. It fixed my life, I hope it helps someone else too.

2 years ago