Gina Kaye

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since Jul 12, 2021
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rick jacobson wrote:I seriously researched driven vs pounder wells when I built my homestead in central Maine  44 years ago. My neighbor was at 170 feet getting about 3 gals a minute out of a rotary drilled well. Anyone with a drilled well within a mile or so was in the 150 - 400 ft depth at under 10 goals per minute  with some as low as less than a gallon a minute. Most pounded wells were under 200 feet and had better than 5 gal per min. I had a pounder do mine  He hit water at 30  feet but went to 90 on his reccomendation.  Ended up with more than 20 gal per minute,( it was as much as he could test for) of beautiful nearly neutral ph  water that is still flowing  with out a hitch today.  Same pump , same setup that was put in over 40 years ago. Your mileage may vary, ask around , and don't be afraid of the "old ways" The  wisdom was that rotary  drills seal the rock and block off smaller streams of water. Pounders shatter the rock  and open it up. My well man said that the hole probably caved in at the 90 foot Mark creating an underground cave that held a tremendous amount of reserve. I had less than 10  feet  of depth. of steel casing installed as they hit ledge rock at about 24"

I am looking for someone to pound a well for us in Maine, and not having any luck. Any chance you remember the name and location of the place you used?
2 years ago
I’ve had success with reliance peaches (from fedco) in Maine, zone 4b. 🙂

I planted them about 11 years ago, and have really neglected their maintenance, but they’ve grown and haven’t had any issues, despite my neglect! We’ve got a bumper crop coming in this year. 😃
3 years ago