Dan Gallagher

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since Nov 19, 2021
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I have 3 Garden Gourmet Composters, the town had a deal on my first one, way back when, the other two were given to me, I use these to compost the fallen soldiers in my war against my neighbors Japanese Knotweed, barely holding my own. They make great compost. I started Vermicomposting again in March of 2024 with the purchase of two pounds of Eisenia fetidas, I have a 7'x11'x3' leaf bin along with two 6' diameterx3' chicken wire enclosures also for fall leaves. All of my outdoor composting is down at Nature's pace and once the pipeline was full a constant supply. No carbon biomass leaves The Crazy Half Acre. I am also taking a hard look at Composting as a Final alternative behind Burial and Cremation in a program called "Grow with Grandpa". I can only compost with bokashi in the garage now, my first and only attempt was in 5 gallon buckets with screw on lids, I forgot the plate to keep everything submerged and ended up a fruit fly production plant.
9 months ago