Rachel Martens

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since Apr 18, 2022
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Hi. I am a single woman in Alberta, Canada wanting to learn more about the permaculture way of life. I have a background in agriculture and have lived in the city now for almost 4 years. I am looking for the perfect match to me who would want to work hard together and would feel naturally manly, caring, and protective.
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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
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Hi and thank you for reading my topic.

My name is Rachel and I am farmsteading in Alberta, Canada in the County of Lac Ste. Anne.
I am seeking a domestic partner to work with me on this farm and make it something amazing.
I am a youthful 52 years of age. I have 13 horses, 2 pigs, 70 chickens, 2 dogs, and some cats.
I need someone here who is intuitive, thoughtful, kind, considerate, strong, and positive.
I look forward to meeting my best domestic partner ever!

8 months ago