Jen Walker

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since Jun 26, 2022
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Recent posts by Jen Walker

I spent some time in Switzerland this summer.  Absolutely beautiful place with amazing people.  I wish you all the best in finding your partner!
3 months ago
Hi Niles!

Have you found someone?  I'm curious if this way of meeting people has been successful.  I am nearing 50 and, like you, have found that it's hard coming up with plans and inspiration without the idea of having someone to do it with!

9 months ago
What an adorable dog you have!  Do people find partners here, I wonder?  I am an almost 50 year old living in Montana and have 2 grown children. Have been widowed for almost 9 years.  I love the idea of land and space.  My late husband and I had 35 acres in Wyoming and lots of plans for great things, he just didn't make it and I found it too hard to do alone and with 2 kids.  I'd really like to pursue it again.

9 months ago
Did you find someone?  I'm always curious to know if this forum is working for actually meeting people.
9 months ago
You are cute as a button!  I am nearly 10 years your senior or I'd be all over it.  My husband died when our kids were your son's age, I know about raising a child alone, it's not an easy path but very much worth it.  Mine are both in college now and living their best lives.  I wish you luck and I will send anyone I know of your way.  Jen
9 months ago
Hi!  Did you have any luck finding someone?  I'm a 49 y/o female in Montana.  Email if you want more info

All the best!!

I can back a boat as long as no one is watching!  Lol. Feel free to email me at if you care to.

2 years ago