Sarah Wilkin Gibart

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since Feb 12, 2023
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Recent posts by Sarah Wilkin Gibart

I was surprised at how pleasurable and satisfying this activity was! I love seeing my wooden utensils looking so happy!

I used walnut oil. It was 60 deg F in the house, so I turned the oven on (lowest setting 170) for a few minutes, then turned it off and set the items in there so they might warm up and soak up the oil better. It seemed to work, but I don't have anything to compare it with!

I plan to share some oil with my friend who hasn't done this to her wooden utensils before.

Thank you for reviewing this BB!
2 years ago
I don't know the last time our furnace filter was changed-- I think a long time ago!

Here's a photo before, during and after. So that I'm ready for next time, I added a date (accidentally a day early) and set a reminder in my phone calendar 3 months from now.

Excited to start working toward the PEP sand badge for NEST! It's a fun way to track things I already want to learn!
2 years ago