Arnold Zhang

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since May 13, 2023
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Recent posts by Arnold Zhang

Bill Bradbury wrote:Hi Kris,

First start with a really good lime plaster that is heavily burnished so that it is starting to polish. Then shave a bit of olive oil soap into the water, not so much that it gets all soap bubbly, but enough to see that there is soap in it. Then take a good polishing trowel, one that is highly polished and flexible and polish the soap by painting on a bit and burnishing while wet. The soap and the free lime on the surface react chemically to create calcium stearate, aka soap scum. The scum waterproofs the plaster by filling in the pores as you burnish.
I don't use a stone, just a good stainless steel trowel, but I'm not going for waterproof, just stain and water resistance. The polish makes for great lighting and gives the room a glow.

I'll post some more as we finish the polish.

All Blessings,

hi, Bill. thanks for sharing, you did 8 years ago what I want to do now. I wanted to ask you if the tadelakt flooring was hard enough during your time on it. I have used tadelakt for cooktops and kitchen walls. But the tadelakt doesn't work well in the face of grease. Can you tell me if its strong enough for use as a floor? Especially when facing slippers and sharp stones. I'm using a translator, so I apologize if some of the translations are not accurate!
11 months ago