earthsurfing Hatfield

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Recent posts by earthsurfing Hatfield

Hi Marina, Dillon-

We have a variety of projects happening here, and one building in particular that it would be great to have some help with.

Its a small design studio/ tiny house/ tool shed with wood chip clay insulation, attached greenhouse, and living roof.

Close(r) to Canada in Johnson, VT

Look up 'Prospect Rock permaculture' to see exactly where we are.

Our main need for help is the next 3 weeks.
11 years ago

Hi All,

We're honored to announce we'll be hosting Starhawk and team for an Earth Activist Training (EAT) Permaculture Design Certification course- for the first time in the northeast in several years!

At Willow Crossing Farm and Wildlife Refuge

Johnson, VT

September 7 – 21, 2013

with Starhawk, Charles Williams, Keith Morris, Lisa DePiano, Skotty Kellogg, and Special Guests.

Permaculture, earth-based spirituality, organizing and activism… with Starhawk and a team of stellar teachers and designers.

An Earth Activist Training can set your life on a new path…or show you how to save the world. Green solutions are sprouting up all around us, but permaculture shows us how to weave them together into systems that can meet human needs and regenerate the natural world. EAT is practical earth healing with a magical base of ritual and nature awareness, teaching you to integrate mind and heart, with lots of hands-on practice and plenty of time to laugh.

Our two-week intensives are Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) scourses, offering the basic, internationally-recognized 72-hour permaculture curriculum with an additional focus on social permaculture, organizing tools, and spirit.

Willow Crossing Farm is Vermont's longest established permaculture research and education facility, and the only debt-free 'financial permaculture' working farm we're aware of. Its a family-run homestead; organic fruit, nut, and medicine nursery; wildlife refuge and pollinator sanctuary; natural building and regenerative infrastructure experimentation site; and venue for farm dining, education, and music.
We host one of the most diverse collections of tree crops and other multi-use plants anywhere- providing unique opportunities to practice permaculture directly hands-on, and to immerse yourself in wild ecology. Our location allows us close working relationships with (and to visit) some of the nation's leading herb farms, organic seed companies, winter vegetable production operations, farm restaurants, and other food-system revolutionaries- as well as immediate adjacency some of the best hiking, boating, biking, and rock-climbing around!

Head chef Emily Wheeler is a clinical herbalist, Permaculture Design Course graduate, and specialized in creating culinary works of art from seasonal local organic food to deeply nourish us all. As Emily is also a member of the teaching team- the meals, food sourcing, modern nutritional science, food preservation, wild-crafting, and localvore innovations are central to the course experience. We are happy and experienced in meeting the needs of gluten or dairy intolerant, vegetarians and vegans, food allergies, and other special diets.

Many people have expressed interest in the last few open spaces in the course- we will fill them based on first come, first served upon receipt of the deposit.

For details or to register, please visit, call (802) 734-1129, or email
11 years ago
HI Magenta-

I'm not sure where you are or where you're headed, but we're in need of help here in Northern VT for the next three weeks. A variety of great projects at a permaculture research and education facility- built by hand with sweat equity and debt/ trust fund free!

Check out the location by searching 'Prospect Rock Permaculture' to see if the logistics of travel, etc. will work for you.

11 years ago
Hi Friends, Please share with your networks and potentially interested friends. Thanks!

Tonight at Willow Crossing Farm-
July 20, 7:30 pm, Free and Open to the Public


Former intern and student Reid Samuel Rosemond will be arriving in his full size school bus FARM ON WHEELS. Reid and friends are on a national tour educating about food and renewable energy, and helping to set up schoolyard gardens and community gardens across the country. Their bus is a 1996 International Blue Bird bus that runs on waste vegetable oil (WVO) and is complete with a variety of sustainable systems including solar panels, a living green roof, vermacompost, waste water collection tanks, wood burning stove, a mobile greenhouse and a livable/ classroom interior that has been constructed with recycled materials. Read more about it and the team onboard at

Reid is earning his Certificate in Sustainable Design and Building from the Yestermorrow Design Build School, where I've been serving as his advisor, and he'll be presenting his bus as his practicum this evening.

Tonight's prestation is also a part of the 5th Annual Prospect Rock Permaculture Design Certification Course. Feel free to join us and mingle with our incredible group of students coming from the former Soviet Union, Croatia, Brazil, Nicaragua, Norway, and of course from throughout the United States- to immerse themselves in Permaculture Design at our farm and design studios here in northern Vermont.

A completely farm-sourced dinner will be served at 6 pm, and is all you can eat for $15. Dinner guests must notify Head Chef Emily Wheeler in advance at (802) 272-9776.

Reid and the SOL FOOD MOBILE FARM crew will begin their presentation and bus tour at 7:30, which is free and open to the permies.

This is an open presentation of the 5th annual Prospect Rock Permaculture Design Certification Course.

Keith, Family, and Crew

12 years ago
Advanced Permaculture Internships. Residential positions with Prospect Rock Permaculture at Willow Crossing Farm, May-October 2012.

Prospect Rock Permaculture is excited to announce our residential internship program for permaculture designers, growers, builders, and educators looking to develop professional practice during the growing season of 2012.

We'll have 4 positions this year- each focused on a particular track for professional development:

Food Production/ Plant Animal Systems: This intern will be the point person for our food and medicinal herb production, nursery work, bees, chickens, conservation plantings, wildcrafting, greenhouse management, the plant and animal components of garden and farm design, for clients, etc.

Natural Building/ Earthworks/ Design-Build: This intern will be more focused on building systems- ie. building design, carpentry, timberframing, natural walls and insulation, living roofs, integrated greenhouses, site work and foundations, drainage, earthworks, machines, water systems, energy and waste management systems, etc.

Whole-Systems Design: This intern will be more focused on the client and presentation/ ‘deliverables’ end of the design spectrum- presentation graphics, map making, media generation, landscape analysis, client liaison, etc.

Permaculture Education: This intern will be the point person for educational offerings, the farm workshop series, curriculum development, public presentations, outreach, web and media generation, etc. Ideally, this intern has some of the most experience with the other fields.

While each of these positions will obviously be working in an integrated way on all of these tracks, the ‘focus tracks’ will help us help people develop their skills within a particular focus, and also help with management and task delineation, etc. Ideally, each applicant has already successfully completed a Permaculture Design Certification course (PDC), and has a portfolio of designs and implemented projects.
We have a two-bedroom apartment in a duplex downtown (about 2 miles from the farm), and will be offering housing there and/or camping at our farm. We will also be building some other housing options (including- hopefully- a treehouse), during the summer. The program will run from May- October, although there would be the potential for the right people to stay on longer.
Johnson is a relatively dynamic town for northern VT, home to a smaller state college, an international art school, and nearby a variety of awesome farms, wild places, tourism attractions, and resorts. OUr farm is located at the intersection of the Lamoille River and Vermont's Long Trail, so you could literally boat or hike almost anywhere you'd like right from the farm.
With housing and some meals and produce provided, it is an unpaid internship. However, we are certainly willing to share the proceeds of market sales, educational workshops, and design and building work for clients- relative to interns’ contribution to those income streams.
As for us, we just had our second child, and live between the farm seasonally and a separate apartment in the building downtown. My partner works in the healing arts as an herbalist, massage and yoga therapist, and we’re both very involved as parents. I juggle the farm and my design firm, while teaching evenings at UVM (and with other schools), and run some workshops on our farm. We also host a two-week residential PDC that will be in mid-July this summer.
Please let us know about your interest immediately, and if a particular focus track is resonating with you. I’ll be announcing the formal application process within the next few weeks, applications will be due in mid-February, and I’ll notify those selected in mid-March. Ideally, we’ll be meeting with each of the applicants, so if anything is bringing you to the northeast, please be in touch.
Thanks for checking this out, and please let us know if you have any questions. Please feel free to share with interested friends or relevant networks.
While we are limited in our ability to support just 4 full-time residential interns, we are always willing to set up individual and shorter term apprenticeships to help Permaculture Design Course Graduates develop professional, community-scale skills.
Visit or email for more information, and check out the 'Opportunities Page' for additional details.

Other opportunities:

Botanical Illustrator sought. We are looking for an experience botanical artist with an existing portfolio of biologically accurate drawings to collaborate on a variety of projects.

Willow Crossing Farm Workshop Series: We'll be hosting a variety of workshops this year starting with Apple Pruning on February 18, and will have workshops on Fruit Tree Grafting, Propagation, Nut Production, Spring Development for Gravity Fed Irrigation, Wood-Chip Clay Insulation, Earth Oven Construction, Greenhouse Design, Efficient Irrigation, Winter Vegetable Production, and more! Send an email with your interest of subscribe to to be alerted as calendar details are finalized.

5th Annual Permaculture Design Certification Course with Burlington Permaculture! July 15-27. Registrations are already rolling in, reserve your place in the regions longest established independent Permaculture Design Course now. Immersion in Ecological Design and Regenerative Growing, entirely farm-sourced food, at the northeast's only site fully funded by financial permaculture and our own sweat equity. Also available for 5 Credits through the University of Vermont, fully accredited and immediately transferrable to any school.

Is there one page to access the most recently updated posts- regardless of which forum they were posted in?

This is how I access many other web forums, and its nice to be able to follow active conversations.


Hi Ellis-

There are many courses now in Vermont, New Hampshire, New York state, NYC, and Massachusetts-

I guess it depends on what you are looking for- a certain time of year to fit your schedule, a different format (such as a weekend format, residential, multi-part, etc.), and focus, such as practice, design, social activism, farm scale, home scale, etc.

Fortunately- you have many options! 

And fortunately, most of the people teaching courses around here do it very well- but do your research!

The differences may be more in style of teaching, etc.  Although there's actually only a few very 'seasoned' designers/ teachers.

Let us now where your interests are, and we'll be happy to provide some more feedback.

As far as Ben's- great site, totally worth seeing. 
13 years ago
Sterling College and the University of Vermont both have well-established permaculture programs each over 6 years old.

Sterling College is a small school, and the entire campus is a working diversified organic farm which feeds the students- probably your best bet if you're more of a 'hands on' learner.

UVM is the biggest school in the state and has some of the best research, extension, hard sciences, etc. if you want a bit more technical/ academic grounding.

Also- The Yestermorrow Design Build School runs a few accredited programs and has a very well-reputed permaculture program.  That would be your best bet if you lean towards the architecture/ building design/ natural building end of the spectrum.

There's also a course held in VT every summer which is a full PDC and 4 credits transferable to any university.

Best of luck with your path!
13 years ago
Hi Luise,

I'm not sure where in VT you'll be- but I keep bees in top bar hives here.
13 years ago