R Hasting wrote:
Dan Wallace wrote:
R Hasting wrote:
Dan, I have an alternative idea. When you finish using the light, turn it off maybe?
I go to sleep around 10:30pm. In the summer it gets dark around 7:30pm and in the winter around 5:30pm. Average of 4 hours.
Should I just sit in the dark?
No Dan. You should have enough light to do whatever you like to do. But do you turn on all the lights for that four hours? Or just maybe a couple of them?
Do you go from room to room like we do in our home. Kitchen to dining back to kitchen back to dining. Living room for a while (lights off as we plug in to the tube), to the kitchen to grab a drink, back to the tube, back to the kitchen to make popcorn, back to the living room. bath room break, living room, bedroom, bathroom, bedroom, bathroom, bed room, lights out. Or, when you leave a room, do you turn off the light? So, you have, typically one room lit at a time? Unless you have one bulb follow you throughout the night, you rarely have one bulb on for more than an hour.
Or did I miss something?
R Hasting wrote:
Dan, I have an alternative idea. When you finish using the light, turn it off maybe?