JayDee Sandy

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since Jul 29, 2024
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With the right discharge line, your pump runs as intended by the manufacturer. Let’s say you needed 1000 gallons of water (for whatever purpose) and a 2” discharge of a portable pump gives you 150 gpm and a garden hose gives you 20gpm (generous).

With the 2” line you run the pump for under 7 minutes to attain the goal.

With the garden hose you run the pump for 50 minutes to attain the goal.

Even if you think “oh I can afford a gallon of fuel easier than $800 worth of poly pipe” consider this…your pump is running out of spec, flat out for an hour at a time.

Using firehouse type line with a fog type nozzle will water that garden like a good rain. Not to mention if you ever had a fire, that volume of water could save everything!

6 months ago