Sal Hay

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since Aug 12, 2024
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They should be, no? My land is not very arable regular sustainable crops from the ground.

How do you upload images now?
4 months ago
Hi Anne:

The wiki article doesn't seem to be mention livestock.

For example, in india's northeast they have small-scale commercially viable duck and fish. It is a good stepping stone to possible expansion thereof.

Apparently more than I was aware of.
4 months ago
Firstly, apologies if this is the wrong forum to post, but I can't see which other one it would fit in.

Anyways, I thought this might be of interest to others since in my first post on this site i mentioned about integrated farming and discusses rice and aquaculture. I was on a webinar about 5 hours ago about US seafood plans and they din't quite get into integrated farming, but just a VERY brief mention of species. I have read about successful small scale projects in northeastern india (I have not been except to the airport for a friend's wedding ) with duck and fish. This one is in 'Nam with shrimp and rice.

It sounds very promising and inexpensive to start (depending on the land you may already have).
5 months ago
Hi Rose:

Thanks for your input. Not built the pond yet, but the manure is a strong part of getting it all together. What aqua plants would you recommend? Especially something that provides food for aquatic species?


Rose Potter wrote:If you got poop and water I'd either get that poop in the water and put easy water plants in there for easy perma situation to feed them or get it away. I don't know. We love you post more info I need it to help you.

5 months ago
Hi Anne:

Thanks for the info.

Yes, i have certainly considered ducks for the top layer.

ps- Sorry still new. not sure how to reply normally.

Anne Miller wrote:Welcome to the forum!

Your place in Armenia sounds very interesting and I am looking forward to hearing more about what is going on there.

Have you thought about integrating both rainwater catchment and aquaponics into your system?

In case you would like to discuss these further they each have their own forum:

Rose is suggesting poop and ponds so your might want to get duck, also.

These both also have their own forums:

5 months ago
Do you have public grazing rights?
Also which species of sheep?

The native species are healthy out on grazing (babies/pregnants excepted), for me.
5 months ago
Just an introduction as I joined today. I am originally from Austin, TX. I'm living in Armenia at the moment. Used to have cows, sheep and horses (just one and her babies). I am looking at a very multi-integrated project. Got the land and PLENTY of water below. The land is not arable, so only aquatic plants would work (rice is far too seasonal and minor for this weather, but interesting as a trial run).

With all the water, making a pond is a very viable situation for multi-species on diverse lawyers. During SSR days, the farm used to be a collective piggery with 100s of pigs at one point. Have already partially re-constructed housing for the cows and sheep and am looking at pigs again. What was covered for the pigs 30+ years ago is partially still uncovered today over winter (cows and sheep can do winter outside in the open that pigs cannot as such). Had to pause it for certain situation/s outside my control, but am ready to get it back up after this coming winter when the snow melts next spring.

I was wondering if anyone is familiar with this mostly-aquatic based integrated farming, but also with pigs.

Anyways, looking forward to many interactions with yall.

5 months ago