The brain race over what the perfect homestead site should be is one I'm all too familiar with.
I've been stuck in dense urban East Asia for the last 5 years and it's given me much more appreciation for the rural woodlands I grew up in. I used to dream of finding a place with 50 + year old oaks, walnuts, and maples, creeks and lake frontage, gentle southern slopes (okay, I still dream about that) but proximity to family or friends has shot through the roof in the last half decade.
Most of the things I wanted before, I began to realize were things that with time I could grow a homestead into if I worked hard. If an area turns you off because there don't seem to be many opportunities for income streams, it may just mean that the area is on the cusp of being ready for what you have to offer. It may be different for everyone, but there is probably something you truly desire from a homestead that you cannot create... I've got a few friends now hip deep in Canadian prairie who've only just realized how much they miss life back on the sea.
I think you're idea of getting away from it all for awhile is golden, it gives you a chance to apply the rule of observation inwardly. Don't immediately require it of yourself to know where the perfect place to settle.
Let the things you might not yet know are the most important to you have a chance to rise to the top before you place all your bets on a place.