Walter Jeffries wrote:
Jeff Mathias wrote:So this may in fact be uncomfortable for many to even discuss, however I am interested in getting a better understanding for myself; so I hope we can discuss this reasonably. That being the case it would seem that halal slaughter termed "Dhabiha" while being visually bloody which at least in the U.S. we automatically equate with violence has some data behind it that it is in fact less painful, less stressful and much more humane than virtually all other forms of slaughter
I have observed a lot of halal slaughter and it is FAR more painful and stressful for the animal than the stun first type slaughter. Before you buy into the myth of halal slaughter being good I would suggest you watch it a lot and also watch proper stunning slaughter being done. With halal the animals spend their last moments terrified. With stunning they're out like a light.
Phil H wrote:Thanks for the advice everyone - I think it's a tremendous responsibility, and deserving of being done right.
Although I was hoping this was going to be my chance to purchase a .460Wby for humane slaughter of livestock