Kari Gunnlaugsson wrote: Having said that...yes, you do need a gun if you are homesteading. You will probably use it reluctantly, and hate having to use it, but there will be times when it's unavoidable... predators, porcupines that won't move on, terminally ill or injured livestock or pets when you are a long way from the nearest vet...etc, etc... maybe even a deer to supplement the food...and you will learn a lot about yourself and living and dying and mortality and respect...
Learn how to use it safely and teach your kids responsibly, and Always treat it like it's loaded...
I was thinking about this too. It is said that if you have livestock, you will have dead stock. We have had to put down a couple of goats and I don't think we could have done it without a firearm. We don't have ours for protection, they are unloaded and not readily available. We slaughter our own meat which was our primary reason for buying them. We started with a 22 handgun and then had to buy a rifle when my husband shot a pig who did not go down but was clearly in pain. We couldn't get close to him so now we have a rifle as well.
I also wanted a rifle because we have had several situations with dogs going after our chickens and foxes as well. We haven't had to shoot a dog so far, and I hope we never do.