Rocket Mass Heater Manual
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Marco Principio

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since Mar 04, 2012
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Hi all,

I have been wondering. I know that there are stoves that are fueled by a drip system of waste oil. Can this same principle be applied to a rocket mass heater? Also, can it be easily converted back to wood burning in the event I don't have any fuel on hand?

The reason I ask is because I am looking at heating a greenhouse with a small rocket mass heater. This greenhouse will be used primarily for my aquaponics setup. I have a terribly irregular schedule, so I was looking at some sort of more automated fueling system that also uses things from the waste stream. Is this feasible? Has anyone ever done it? Forgive me if it's been covered before, but I had no luck searching.

Also, is it possible to run the duct work for the heater partially through my fish tanks in order to heat them, and use the water as the mass? I would think this would be difficult to regulate, temperature wise, but possibly some type of electric thermostat controlling the flow of oil? I am just spitballing here, but all of this is terribly fascinating to me. Thanks for any help you guys can offer!
12 years ago