Dig Gashinsky

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since Jun 14, 2012
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Recent posts by Dig Gashinsky

I cannot wait to read the book. Supported the indiegogo for the book. I am very happy that it is finally here and looks like a big success. I am in upstate NY and very interested in farming my woods.
10 years ago
Just learned about your book. Looks very interesting especially the details about extending season. Definitely goes on my wish list.
11 years ago
My area experienced 8" of rain in one day, which caused major flooding. I've heard that there is a way to help with preventing flooding damage by building ponds and lakes. My property is on the mountain. What is the best way to build a pond with overflow protection to minimize damage down the mountain in the valley?
11 years ago
Just found out about the book. I will be attending this year PDC. Will the book cover basic homesteading skills?
12 years ago
Just got the book. Very excited about it. Nuts about nuts. Interested in growing them in upstate NY. Interesting in the information on how to start young trees or do I need to do it from seed. Where to get productive varieties?
12 years ago
Coffee works for me. Thanks for all the advice. I look forward to reading your book.
12 years ago
Looks like a great book for me to buy once I am back. I am taking PDC in a week. Any suggestions how to prepare for it and to take a better advantage of the opportunity. I am taking it with Bill and Geoff in Australia.
12 years ago