Candace Brooks

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since Aug 15, 2012
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Howdy! My husband and I live in sunset valley - a pseudo rural community surrounded on all sides by Austin I just learned of a new permaculture design class being given by ACC just two miles from our 3/4 acre homestead! If I can work it into the schedule I just might go for it!

Right now we've got a flock of (mostly) free range hens, a whole bunch of rain barrels (courtesy of the previous owner - what luck!), a few no dig beds that I'm turning into native/perennial vegetable beds, and the beginnings of a few tree guilds (olives and figs so far), as well as plenty of native texas edibles/useful plants growing nearby. I plant my annual vegetables in all the empty spots that I hope someday will be mostly naturalized edibles.

We're definitely learning as we go, and being former city slickers there is a LOT to learn, but we're really lucky to have a thriving community of like minded people to tap into. And I'm thrilled I found this site- I have been lurking for days soaking in ideas and inspiration.
12 years ago