I was able to source a few small truck loads of well rotted sawdust and i spread it directly onto our sandy acidic and thin soil. I spread it about 4 inches thick added touch of nitrogen amendment from chicken manure processed through fly larvae. I threw some hairy vetch seed down in a corner, raked it in and then threw on a bit of dried vermicast.
I should add that the land was historically over worked then left for 35 years and the the forest is coming back along with meadow sweet, and a variety of weeds.The plus is that there is a small number of native grasses and legumes are hanging around.
So whats next? without working the sawdust in mechanically? I dont have animals and there's little manure around due to the poor grazing? Shall I try to grow vetch in the sawdust? or some other nitrogen fixer? i was wondering about spraying some worm tea that is fresh onto the area?? We have six acres of land and i am trying to find ways to rejuvenate it.