lavender rose

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since Jan 08, 2013
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Recent posts by lavender rose

me and my husband had the same issue with the ropes sagging a lot so what we use during the summer is a old cable wire.. It is strong and durable to with stand a lot...
12 years ago
I have been doing research all morning about solar cookers. I am trying to find one that is:
Less expensive/but will last years. I don't want to make one that is always going to need something Like for example the combination solar cooker most of them is telling me that am going to need plastic bags. I don't mind that but I prefer something that is just put the pot and and it is done
The ones I have currently found that I like is the Box cooker or the Combination cooker.
Box cooker it seems that you need to be over the cooker more than the combination one.
But with the combination one you need Bags to cook with (has any one every actually cooked with out bags if so does it come out fully cooked or does it just take longer)
With the box cooker I did notice you can cook more stuff at any given moment has any one heard you can make a Combination cooker cook more than one pot at i time
Curved concentration seem good but it seems like it needs more to work and easier for things to get broken But they do say that it gets hotter than the other ones
Being all that said. let me explain why I want it.
Me and my family wants to live off the grid. To do that I would like to figure out what is the best one to cook with. Or is there any other types of ways that I can cook with out using energy?

12 years ago
Well the humidity I don't think that it will bug me cause I live in Mass. but from Desert south west (where it gets as high as 110 dry heat). I think I like the hot humid over the other stuff but when i google how hot it gets it didn't doesn't get into the 100's.
12 years ago
What are you trying to grow in your green house
12 years ago
Am trying to make it where my home doesn't have any bills like I want to live on solar energy, for my water it will be water well to bath in or to water my plants rain water to deinkthat but where am moving I really don't think I would need to water that much cause am moving to florida so the plants will take care of them selves am planning on having chicken, fish and sheep for my meat and I plan on getting a solar cooker to cook my food or just use good old bbq. I plan on growing my own veggies and season\spice. So as you see am going to very self efficient. So the only concern yearly I would worry about is property tax and clothes and other small items around the house
12 years ago
Okay. That does sound like good advise I think that is my biggest concern is always trying to follow my heart with somethings. But in my case I don't want to be oweing anything if do maybe a couple thosand (aka under 6 k) for that being one the reason.
12 years ago
Buying property off line
12 years ago
SilverBerry is green all year round. But you can do kiwi, grape, and hazelnut. Hope this helps out a little
12 years ago
Am wanting to buy property off line am currently in a different state than where am going to be buying it am wanting to know of any one have done this this if so did you come into any complications and what would you do different
12 years ago