Damien Rose

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since Jan 20, 2013
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Hi lisa, this is yet an other video.
Jardin des fraternites ouvrieres
It's stated that in 40 year there's been no chemicals, no watering and that to achieve such an abundance, yearly or every two years taller trees have to be shortened to allow light to come, In the previous video the man said to manage the garden alone and that he even have an other one, and in the one you send, his wife says they clean the row between trees at spring to plant annual edibles but that space is collonised through winter with other plants that allow food production, enough to be self sufficiant.
On this page : permaculture for lasy gardeners
you can download with this link : plan du jardin au format PDF , how Gilbert and Josine Cardon organized the garden.
12 years ago
in the video at 2'54" it's written 82 trees of all kind of citrus. The bananas are in green houses, I'm not sure about the citrus...
What's amazing is that it's a 1800 square meter garden with 2050 trees and i beleve 5000+ other edibles.
12 years ago
Belgium forest garden
I just didn't know ones could do this...
12 years ago