Thats what I am going to do today, After I run a hot fire through it.....Ernie Wisner wrote:sorry to hear the running out of wood, i would clean the chimney and check all the elbows. sounds like you have creosote in it. Thats the only thing i can think of that would make lots of smell.
It is a box stove a LOPI and I just shut it down for the year, It has been burning since Oct but I ran out of wood.Ernie Wisner wrote:clean the stove. is this a box stove? i dont recall any rmh's that smelled bad after a year of being shut down.
It smell like it is wet in the chemney,We haven't had much rain and i do have a cap on the chemney. As far as starting a fire to dry it out I have ran out of fire wood. I think that I will get some insulation and plug the chemney.Ken Peavey wrote:My first thought is rainwater getting into the flue, allowing some mildew growth. Can you describe the odor? Have you considered firing up the stove to burn up whatever is causing the odor?
I have it all shut down.Mike Kimble wrote:I would close down the input and outputs on the stove; that should stop the smell.