You're in Udon ... I'm in Hat Yai
You get a decent cold spell that gets to about zero celcius, and long dry hot season. I think it's a super cool idea to bury all that stuff. I suppose I'd mix it up first, but if you bury the stuff separately, boy, make sure you know what is where, and to some extent, plant the same things in the various parts, then note plant characteristics and vigor & health. One word of caution ... I think the sugar cane bagass will attract tons and tons of ants! But maybe I'm wrong. Regarding the rice husks, realize that they take a long time to break down, even under soil, and many people in the colder climates would say that's great, except that unless they're already somewhat decomposed, I'll bechya their decomposing agents'll (bacteria and fungi?) drag nitrogen out of the soil in order to break them down. If there are cows around who like to poop, be sure there's a person nearby who is happy to scoop
Also regarding the rice husks, you realize that some people say that burying biochar (in your case, the charred rice husks) in the soil, in an HC bed is a great idea. Others are not so sure. Just gotta try it out on your own
I don't have any experience trying what you're gonna try, and don't know who has but I'm interested to follow this project
One more thing: if you're not so far from a city, where people have trees, or where there is a tree cutting service ... hit them up