phillip blake

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since Feb 22, 2013
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Actually the city is supposed to repair the erosion. They have not yet as we are forebearing suit until a neighborly letter of understanding can be structured. They are culpable for the erosion for various reasons not the least of which is that they did not abide by a requirement to maintain this creek/draw and its banks. Anyway, I'm just hoping to be able to point to other communities, which have relaxed or changed ordinances in order to allow permaculture techniques. For example, I believe our fair city would require grasses and weeds to be mowed to 6 inches or lower. It would be pretty hard to grow edibles among weeds going to seed and still satisfy the ordinance. Any thoughts? Please advise. Thank You.
12 years ago
I have 38 acres in the middle of town. The city needs to repair the erosion they caused before I can use the land how I want. Because they are going to spend so much repairing the land, I'm wondering if I can point to other municipalities, which have embraced some permaculture techniques. I'd like the city to pay for a permaculture designer in addition to the engineer who will remedy the erosion. The city already paid for a drainage study albeit a somewhat limited study, which did not make remedy recommendations. Thank You.
12 years ago