Ivanna Goatside

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since Jul 21, 2013
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Recent posts by Ivanna Goatside

I have a bunch of firebricks, planning to sell some, but want to make sure I have enough left for a 6 inch system.
I want to make the whole J out of them including the riser.
Have Ianto et al's book and Paul's dvd'.
I forget if the book has description of how many and I haven't had time to watch Paul's dvd's.
The firebricks are size about 2.24x4.5x9 inches.
Thanks, I will check Ianto's book tonight also.
Searched this forum and also through google, couldn't find an answer except one that said 67, but I assumed that was for the feeder and burn tunnel, not the riser.
Maybe I'm wrong.
11 years ago
I don't know, but what Sepp describes sounds like a tree/bush/shrub.
That looks like groundcover to me.
Wondering if this is it
Salix hegetschweileri

Here is a list of Alps Salix that I found

Salix aurita Eared Sallow
Salix breviserrata Finely-toothed Willow
Salix foetida Above Grutschalp
Salix hastata Large-stipuled Willow Lauberhorn
Salix glaucosericea Silky Willow Lauberhorn
Salix hegetschweileri Alpine Willow
Salix helvetica Swiss Willow Planted. Murren
Salix herbacea Least willow
Salix laggeri Lagger's Willow
Salix myrsinites Whortle-leaved Willow
Salix reticulata Net Leaved Willow
Salix retusa Retuse-leaved Willow
Salix serpyllifolia
Salix viminalis Osier Occasional. Riversides
11 years ago
Sepp talks about this in Rebel Farmer. Anyone know what the species name is for this? And maybe where in the U.S. it can be found?
Google search didn't reveal much.
11 years ago