Try an english shepherd. The english shepherds are not AKC registered, but they have working lines.
The problem with breeders is that so many are AKC breeders, which promotes dogs of a certain look, not behavior. The AKC model of pretty breed standards, with no performance testing, is a darn crazy way to pick a dog.
AKC Show dogs need to welcome strangers like judges, which is not protective.
I was looking at a newfoundland komondor hybrid, a newfkom. While this is not the best dog for everybody, there is a lot of AKC backlash against it that mostly comes from people who have not met the dogs. I feel like breeding to reduce drooling and shedding and allergens is a wonderful thing.
Right now I have one dog that would go through fire for food, one who would do it to chase a ball, and one who do it to be with me; these characteristics were inborn. The second will never be safe with chickens. Spend some time with puppies, and teach yourself to see the difference. Chances are you won't know your breeder very well, so you have to rely on your own evaluation of the puppies.