Eric Rothoff

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since Jan 01, 2014
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 I live in Michigan on a mostly wooded 10 acre property that has hot water heat.  I had an wood boiler addon that would occasionally get too hot, so I know all about the BoomSquish problems with pressurized water heat.  I would like to make a rocket mass heater that would heat water for an unpressurized water heat battery (Like you would use for DYI thermal solar) that would then have a heat exchanger for heating the hot water heating in the house. (and domestic hot water.) I one of the permies videos that I watched, Paul talked about the unpressurized hot water heater and how they were possibly going to upgrade that to a version 2.0.  How can I find information about that?
2 years ago
Bought the cards using Paypal. You really need directions on how to purchase, and where the purchase is. (My feel, it is best to have an email with the download link, rather than going back to the thread, and looking for the download link.)  Also to purchase, I had to just start clicking to find how to download. Never found the option for purchases, I only got the paypal login.
7 years ago
Tom, I am afraid that you are right. Personally, I would put out a set of plans and call them experimental, and have people give their experiences with the plans. But I guess I will reinvent the wheel.
11 years ago
O.K. the last post on the theads are advertising, not an answer.
11 years ago
I already bought and watched the Wood Burning Stoves 2.0 4-DVD Set. And while there was a lot of information, and How-to, there was plans for making the Portable Rocket Heater. And the plans on that I did find were for an custom cob Rocket Heaters. As suggested, I want to build the current generation of the Portable Rocket Heater to heat my garage and/or Pole Barn. Then I would like to eventually make one for heating hot water for the house. (Our house is hot water heated, and has an INSIDE wood boiler from 1978, and it has a large fireplace with air tunnels to pull air under the concrete floor to the the fireplace.)
Is there a PDF plan with material lists for the portable rocket heater for an easily tested? I can reverse engineer something from the videos, but if there is something already out there...
11 years ago