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Megan Reamer

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since Jan 03, 2014
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Recent posts by Megan Reamer

Who Are We?
We are a small, family-run business making organic potato chips cooked in coconut oil. As concerned parents who follow a combination of Paleo, Weston Price, organic, local, and seasonal diets, we focus on the types of fats our children consume. Our visits to various Whole Food Markets, Vitamin Cottage, Trader Joe’s, Sprouts, and myriad mom-and-pop health foods stores across the country over the last 10 years always ended in the frustration that we couldn’t find a potato chip fried in a healthy oil like coconut oil. Sure there were organic varieties; there were rippled, kettle, and root vegetable derivatives; there were dozens of different flavors too. And while the last decade or so has brought tremendous changes in potato chip flavors, brands, and varieties, the reality is that nearly every single manufacturer uses the same highly processed vegetable oils or vegetable oil blends to fry their potato chips: canola oil, sunflower oil, safflower oil, corn oil, soy oil, or cottonseed oil.

What's Our Story?
My husband and I are often asked how it is that we came to be in the potato chip business. It is, after all, an odd business for a mom and pop start-up (or any start-up for that matter) given that it’s dominated by major global brands that have a stranglehold on everything from the farmers that grow potatoes to the grocery stores that sell the finished chips. As you might imagine, it’s not out of any misplaced business confidence that we could possibly compete with the big manufacturers. Rather, it is a very personal reason with a complex backstory. If you'd like to read more about it, here is a link to our website:

We aren’t out to dominate the potato chip business – we will leave that to large multinational corporations that dominate the industry. Our goal is to make a great tasting potato chip in a healthy oil that respects the intelligence of our consumer and the efforts of our family farm suppliers. We hope you enjoy them.

Where Can I Find Out More?
If you'd like to see more of our story, here's a link to our Kickstarter campaign:
11 years ago