Rebecca Hiebert

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since Feb 12, 2014
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Sorry, I didn't make our reservation so I didn't speak to anyone at the campsite about the different spots. We are at our limit with two tents and two cars. Maybe try calling right when they open so that you aren't on hold for so long?? Good luck.

Andrew Scott wrote:Joshua and Rebecca,

Any read on whether there's open space for another tent in the permies zone? Also, any info on what the spots in the 500 number ranger are all about? It seems like they're probably the "primitive" spots, but the reservation list uses different terminology, and I was on hold with the reservation office for about half an hour before giving up. If there's room for a tent, and I end up not bringing a car, it might be nice to join forces with someone rather than go rogue in the 500s.

10 years ago
A few of us are at #119. Not sure about other sites. See you there!!
11 years ago
My husband and I are arriving Wednesday night and would like to camp as well. Is there room at anyone's site?

We won't have too much gear with us because we'll be flying in.
11 years ago