Rocket Mass Heater Manual
will be released to subscribers in: soon!

Tim Mass

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since Feb 26, 2014
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Hello, I supported the kickstarter and got my digital download.  But last week, my hard drive crashed.  Is there any way I can download them again?  My scubbly token has expired.

I must have been pretty sick that day, that drivel makes no sense at all. At least the link worked.
9 years ago
I don't see a post on this yet, also, perhaps this isn't the best forum, I can't believe there is only building form for Mike Oehler structures.
9 years ago
I think this has to do with the latest podcast and issues with different people. (GAPers, visitors, etc).
9 years ago
I would guess harvesting ice would go against the laziness approach.

There's a saying I heard once. If necessity is the mother of invention, laziness is the father.

9 years ago
I'm unsure if the embeded video is the entire playlist of ~15 videos or just the first one. FYI
10 years ago
Thanks for the replies, maybe I'm being a little too paranoid.
10 years ago
Hi all, I haven't seen this posted anywhere, I've been watching this online course from UCBerkeley. It's long, each class is one to two hours, but most of the classes have great guest speakers including Joel Salatin, Joan Dye, and lots more.
10 years ago

Like everyone else, I am looking into ways of providing healthier food for my family. To this end, I've been considering auqaponics, but I am concerned about the toxic chemicals from the various petroleum products required for this (pond liners, plastic tanks, PVC piping and glue). I was hoping we could talk about ranking the different sources. Maybe auqaponics isn't perfect, but better than some alternatives? Or maybe it should be avoided all together, and other methods should be looked at.

Here is a quick list to rank, and add any other sources I have forgotten.

fast food
typical supermarket fair
organic supermarket
home garden (best? not feasable 8 months of the year in my area)


Long time listern
10 years ago