Rocket Mass Heater Manual
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Patrick McGillan

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since Mar 03, 2014
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Recent posts by Patrick McGillan

OK, I got it. Wowser it even has its own catch phrase "Boom Squish"

Anyways this will be my third rocket stove, but first rocket mass stove. Already planning on a 4 ft bench with exhaust in it. If I go with a horizontal tube coil, then will have to tun a small pump any time temp at coil input is above certain temp. That might be OK as the whole thing is to be solar powered.

9 years ago
Getting ready to build a unit with a 35 gallon barrel. Would also like to incorporate a copper tube spiral to heat water with or without a pump. Would this copper heat exchanger go on the output of the barrel or can it be part of the insulated riser in the middle. I didn't search previous posts, shame on me, but time to get moving on this project.

9 years ago
My girls eat less store bought food in the summer, but it is always available to them. The field that I move them around in has been mowed for hay in past years, so the grass vegetation is quite thick. I also use standard city type fencing tied to T-bar posts to move them around. Chicken tractors are to much trouble for me, but work well for others. Just don't let them eat it down to far as the grass will be slow to recover.
10 years ago
I wouldn't do more than 6-8 chickens and moving every other day. It is surprising how fast they can eat the grass down inside their tractor run.
10 years ago