Rocket Mass Heater Manual
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Dave King

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since Mar 08, 2014
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Hi would be interested in purchasing the book when available.

10 years ago
In the home battery bank video, Steven says you can make a small to large battery bank. My question is, how large can you make it, say I wanted to be able to run my home water pump which is 220 volt, can I do that with a home battery bank?
kind regards,
10 years ago
Hi Everyone:
I know if I wait much longer to sign up for the PDC, I will miss my opportunity, but I do have a question or two, if you kind people here could give an answer to.
I just joined and actually signed up with kickstarter for Paul's World Domination Gardening 3-DVD set. I know there is a lot of info here just on this forum about permaculture that I have not read about yet, so I'm wondering if I should just learn what I can here by reading and watching the forum posts and videos and maybe wait and do the PDC next year, I am still working now but next year will be retired. I really want to apply what Geoff teaches in his PDC course to my 80 acre homestead here in Wisconsin, in the future. Not to say that getting certified does not interest me, cause after applying permaculture design practices to my property, I may very well want to make a career out of it in retirement in some function.

Is the PDC online course all inclusive, by that I mean, I know it delves into the design process, but is it detailed enough to put the designs into practice, will I learn the nuts and bolts of building a pond, building a garden swale, forest food plantings, chicken coops, etc, or will that require an actual class that I need to travel to?

kind regards,