Tomorrow I'll be making a phone call to my local community garden (Upplands Väsby, send me a pm if you reside nearby;)) where I've been keeping an eye on one of the lots which seem to be unoccupied. It's 13 x 10 meter patch.
I'm trying to make a loose plan for the lot, what to grow, how to grow, what to include and so on.
I guess I want some pointers on how to get going and what I can do this year.
This is what I currently got in mind:
- Make a hugelkultur bed along the 13 meter side, nothing fancy, just for a sprawling diversity of locally spreading plants and critters.
- Build a RMHeated semi-A-frame (around 3 x 3 (or 6 depends) x 3) with clear greenhouse plastic panel on the south side. For starting certain plants during early spring and using as plant shelter during the winter months and also for myself (where the 'maybe 6 meter' depth comes in)
- Treasure and make use of weeds like dandelions.
- As much permaculture and Masanobu-thinking as possible.
- A bee hotel, just something simple where the local bees and bumblebees might wanna create a home, a collection of tubes or whatever, just simple.
Been thinking of collecting some of the following plants for the different properties they carry, both in usage and ecological diversity:
- Wild
- Wild
White Clover.
- Would love some
Jerusalem Artichoke.
- Somewhere during the first year or two (not counting this year) I would like to have a few locally grown
Mullein plants.
- A few local berry yealding plants and bushes like,
Gooseberry, Raspberry and maybe some Wild Strawberry (smultron).
- Food crops; Potatoes, onions, carrots, beetroots and other crops that kept Sweden alive before the industrial age, depending on how much room is left on the patch.
Ideas? Namedrop as many good plants, bushes and what not that thrives naturally as far north as Stockholm. Would gooseberry and raspberry bushes work well on top of the hugelkultur for example?