Hey guys, new the forum. Got a question about poison ivy. I know its a topic that has been brought up before, but I couldnt find a good answer for my particular situation so Im reaching out here.
We recently moved to a new house on a great small (< 1 acre) property. It is a wooded lot, the only one in the area so its like an oasis of trees, very nice. The problem is that growing amongst all these beautiful trees and other undergrowth is copius amounts of poison ivy, and possibly sumac and oak. The long term goal is to slowly transition this property into a small food forest, but even for the more immediate future, I would love for my son (now 2 yrs old) and dog/cats to be able to run around and explore this wonderful tiny forest.
What can I do to control the ivy/sumac/oak without hurting to much else in the immediate sense, with a long term goal of irradicating it completely during the food forest conversion?
Thanks for any help!