Kayleigh Hillert

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since Jun 11, 2014
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Culver City, CA
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Recent posts by Kayleigh Hillert

Thanks for the feedback David. I am familiar with quite a few of the methods you have mentioned, and I am excited to look into the others. Right now I am a little caught up on the issue of long term, secure, affordable land access in Los Angeles and of course the politics of growing food in a water insecure climate. As well as the whole financially sustainable bit. Though I will check in with the local farmers I know a bit more about that. Still, thank you thank you for taking the time to respond. I will look into the school where you teach and the information you shared.

Thanks again,


10 years ago
Thanks for your feedback Jennifer. I will check into the businesses you mentioned. Didn't think to check with tree people!

Here's a technical question. Is there a way for me to link this post into the regional southwest forum or should I do a separate post?

Thanks again!!
10 years ago
Hello all,

I'm looking for a little advice. Maybe a reality check.

I want to start a small farm business in LA where I can produce food and be a model urban permie site. I have been here about a year and have gone from compacted clay to less compacted clay with a bunch of compost. We have bees, chickens, we are growing enough food to feed our large family but I want more. Not a lot more, just enough.

I am located on the west side of Los Angeles. I have access to about 2,000 sq ft. of potential veg. bed space at home. I know, 2,000 sq. ft. is tiny but it's awe inspiring to myself and my neighbors. I'm thinking about a SPIN -ish model where I find/get empty lots or other people's yards and sell at a farmers market and to restaurants. Eventually, one day, could get large enough to unite a network of urban farms/ gardeners all across the city.

I've identified one small farmers market, and a restaurant or two interested in whatever I sell. I have also been asked to give tours of the existing farm to tourists. There are 20+ farmers markets within a 5 mile radius of me, so the potential to expand is there.

Here's the rub. I have never run a business. I have taken some online small farm business classes, which help but most are geared to a more typical situation with acres or farm rather that sq. feet.

I have looked into volunteering on other farms to gain business skills in the area, but there aren't any farms, that I know of, that are doing this in my area.

All that said, my main questions are:
Has anyone gotten a empty lot in LA, or another large urban area, and if so any advice on the process?
Anyone tried getting their neighbors to let them farm their lots in a big city?
Should I go to some business school type scenario, any recommended resources on the matter?
I know there are SPIN farms out there, has anyone tried this in a dense LA-like area?
Also, in what order does one do these things?

I have been a loving lurker here for a while. I so look forward to any and all feedback from this awesome community!

10 years ago