I've made a rough draft of some signs for the Wheelie-Bin Poopers. Now is the time to amend the instructions for maximum effect. The main, short points are intended to be very big and underlined, with the explanations in smaller type.
Welcome to the Wonderful World of Wheelie-Bin Poopers!
We want you to have an enjoyable experience here, so we have provided some useful tips and background for your information.
_Pee Outside_
Our pee is a precious resource, one that is basically sterile and safe, which is why we pee on the compost pile whenever possible. This is also why we use urine diverters--instead of our pee making the bins into a smelly mess, we can use pee to help create the hot water for our showers. If a small amount of pee gets in the bin, it isn't a problem, but since pee is a perfect nutrient for most plants, we can sprinkle it just about anywhere else and do more good with it.
_Sprinkle Sawdust Sparingly_
A small amount of sawdust is sprinkled to cover our toilet paper and poo, protect it from flies, reduce smell, and absorb any stray liquid. We have supplied the toilets with a 1/2 cup scoop, which is the equivalent of a small handful of sawdust. This is plenty--too much sawdust mummifies the poops! Also, please try to avoid getting sawdust in the urine diverters.
_Close the lids/flaps_
These bins are equipped with fly catchers, so no bugs who have had access to poo can have access to us. In order for the system to have proper airflow, which controls the FLIES and the SMELL, the toilet lids and the outside wheelie-bin flaps must be closed whenever they are not in use.
What happens to the Wheelie-Bins?
There are several options:
-The bins can be sealed for a minimum of 2 years, after which the resultant mass can be placed on hungry nutrient-loving plants or trees like cottonwoods (aka poop beasts).
-The bin can have bacteria added that boost decomposition, which results in a mass approximately 1/20th of the original size. This means the bins can then go back in the system to be re-used.
-The bins can have black soldier fly larva added, which digest the poo and remain trapped inside until the mass is reduced.
Special Instructions for using Wheelie-Bin Poopers during the Shark Week visit by Aunt Flo from Redbrook:
This facility has been equipped with a sink to facilitate cleanliness and female convenience.
-For those of us who use menstrual cups, Congratulations! The process is easy--we empty our cups into the bin, and we can use the provided spray bottles to spritz the relevant body parts if needed. Small amounts of blood and water are acceptable in the bins. (picture of menstrual cup with smiley face)
-For those of us who use re-usable pads, sponges or tampons, Congratulations! We can use the sink to rinse them and re-apply if necessary. (pictures of re-usable products with smiley face)
-For those of us who use disposable pads or tampons, there are a few that are acceptable to put in the bin. Natural options that are acceptable in the bins are grass, moss, cat tail fluff and wool. Of the commercially available options, the acceptable ones are specifically labeled as biodegradable and compostable, like the Seventh Generation and Nutracare brands. Please do not put other feminine products in the toilet. We have a garbage can provided for these items. (pictures of compostables with smiley face, pictures of non-compostables with big, ugly crosses)