Hello All,
I'm just learning all about natural building and have just returned from a workshop at the Cob Cottage Company where I learned some cob and straw bale techniques. I live in San Diego and don't own any land. However, I'd love to share my knowledge and maybe do a trade or share arrangement. For example, I've heard of arrangements where a landowner lets a builder build on their land and live in the structure for five years. After that time, the landowner and builder can continue on whatever arrangement they decide such as a lease etc. In such an arrangement the landowner gets a building built on his land that he may be able to use in the future. I've also heard of simpler arrangements where labor is traded for use of some of the land. I'm looking for any such arrangements, preferably in San Diego.
I'm interested in knowing if anyone has suggestions for finding such opportunities or maybe just a different way to accomplish my goal. I'm open to any suggestions.