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Dan Koetter

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since Oct 20, 2014
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Denis Huel wrote:It looks like Amur Corktree, Phellodendron amurense which is considered invasive in some areas including New York.

Sure does look like it from the picture on Wikipedia. If so it has quite a few medicinal properties. I wouldn't doubt a lot of Chinese immigrants use spaces like this to plant some of the native species from their country.
10 years ago

Anyone know what type of tree this is?

BTW I took this pictures on an Autumn tree tour In Brooklyn with a New York Permaculture group. If anyone would like to see more pictures of the trees from the tour I wrote an article about it.
10 years ago
Ah so it is available to purchase! Is there an affiliate link?
Where did you come across these? I'm reading Restoration Agriculture now by Mark Shepard and cant wait to get my hands on lots of zone 5 tree seeds to plant on my land. Does anyone know when the best time to plant seeds for trees? I heard this times best for transplants.
10 years ago
Sign me up! I'd love to write some articles/ reviews on your products with an affiliate link. I'm not a marking genius but I think if I keep the pace I'm on in about 3-6 months I will be. I'm really curious about the status of the earthworks dvd. When is it coming out? I'd love to get my hands on that!