Mac Miller

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since Jan 15, 2015
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When the air in a bottle gets hot, it expands. If there is any water inside, it will boil and expand 1700 times, so this is a serious danger. Imploding is never an issue. Water vapor is already expanded, and will only expand more if heated.

Hi Glenn. I'm a little unsure, but from what I have gleened thus, vaporisation pressure only increases if there is a source of water. More water has to vaporise in order for the water vapour pressure to increase. In other words, I don't think that it is the water vapour which is expanding more and more from an increase in heat. I really need to do some more research on the precise behaviour of water vapour when heated.

When I put the first fire in it to dry out the core, this bottle got hot fast and the clay plug kept it from venting, so it blew out the back face with a loud pop/bang. Fortunately it didn't damage anything important.

Glad to hear no-one was hurt! But I wonder if the problem lies in liquid water having contaminated the bottle in someway, and does not necessarily come from air per se. I have only a vague understanding of these things, and have trawled a few web pages to try and learn a bit more, but as I understand it , a bottle filled with air at 0 c, at something like 15psi, will find that when it is heated to 100c, the pressure will increase by a third, to something like 20 psi. Can a sealed glass bottle keep up with these increases in pressure? One hopes so ... I've included a tantalising link below where the guy compresses the air in a wine bottle to 260psi!

Gas Pressure Increase with Temperature
In 1702, Amontons discovered a linear increase of P with T for air, and found P to increase about 33% from the freezing point of water to the boiling point of water.

That is to say, he discovered that if a container of air were to be sealed at 0°C, at ordinary atmospheric pressure of 15 pounds per square inch, and then heated to 100°C but kept at the same volume, the air would now exert a pressure of about 20 pounds per square inch on the sides of the container. (Of course, strictly speaking, the container will also have increased in size, that would lower the effect—but it’s a tiny correction, about ½% for copper, even less for steel and glass.)

Remarkably, Amontons discovered, if the gas were initially at a pressure of thirty pounds per square inch at 0°C, on heating to 100°C the pressure would go to about 40 pounds per square inch—so the percentage increase in pressure was the same for any initial pressure: on heating through 100°C, the pressure would always increase by about 33%.

Furthermore, the result turned out to be the same for different gases!

Like I say there are huge gaps in my understanding, and when I get some time, I would love to start another thread which goes into more detail about bottle/ tin can insulation.

A little microwave like you show might be small enough to heat with a 3" rocket... but you will need a bunch of mass and insulation around it, and you will need to cut an entrance in the bottom for the hot gases to enter, and make an insulating door. All in all, it seems like a lot more work to make an oven the way you are trying than to make the whole thing of clay/soil cob. The dense bricks would be the right kind of material for the oven floor.

No matter how well you insulate them, the heavy bricks will not work as well as cob or firebrick or insulating refractory. A tiny 3" system needs all the help it can get to work well.

I don't plan on any of the gases entering the oven chamber ~ they will move only around the outside, much like the one seen in the diagram below...

3-Inch Cans

How long are these going to last? Not very long. Off the top of my head I'm thinking aluminum melts around 1800 F and mild steel a little higher, a little below 2000 F. I've measured 1710 F at the entry of my burn chamber (6" system), and it is doubtful that is the hottest point. Under ideal conditions wood is said to burn at roughly 3400 F. The bottom line, is that I think the cans are doomed to fail, and fairly quickly from a heating use (as opposed to some of the flaming cans of death seem on picnic tables in some YouTube videos, heheh).

Doesn't this mean that for the 3-inch can idea to work as a model for space heating, a pourable / castable core material will have to be poured in around the tin can mock up? That would only be using the cans as the form, and letting them burn out is fine after the casting material has set up.

Hi Eric. I hope to use the cans late on the exhaust, where temperatures are lower, but would try to design something where they are easily replaced, or cast in something cheap like everyday concrete, rather than anything refactory.

Much thanks.
10 years ago
Thank you guys for the informative replies. Much appreciated.

Glenn Herbert ~ I realise that these bricks will act as a heat sink, but my hope is that I will have insulated the core so well from the outside, that the heat shall not be able to radiate out. If it cannot radiate out, then it shall be forced to radiate in, and in theory at least, no heat shall be lost. This is why the cavity which is being created around the core must be as close to a vacuum as possible, or at least as close to a space with lots of trapped air, and why I'm trying to avoid any direct contact to ground (ground being the biggest heat sink there is!)

Ultimately, my aims are to use materials that are easily reclaimed, and more often than not I find storage bricks, and sadly, not firebricks. And I want to make something that is going to last a long time. I fear if I make a core from cob, it will only deteriorate over time. I'm also trying to experiment with a build for those that don't have access to lots of clay/soil.

As said, I'm not trying to warm a huge mass, just the core and an oven chamber, so I'm hoping to keep down the size of the internal diameter to 3", so that it configures with the diameter of tin cans, as I think these are a great source of easily accessible (practically free!) material. The oven chamber is notsomuch a toy, but rather an old microwave oven (beware of toxic insulators inside!) I recently made a fire in it, to try and get the paint off, and in the process discovered it makes a great fire-pit!

I think I would like to start a different thread regarding glass bottle/tin can insulation. Do glass bottles really explode when heated directly behind the face of fire? What is the maximum heating temperature of a wine bottle? If the contents of a sealed bottle contained only air, and these were heated, then the air would turn into water vapour, which has much less volume (around 1600 times less) - thereby creating a vacuum. The bottle will then try to draw more air in to compensate (nature abhors a vacuum). I wonder if the danger is in the bottle imploding? As long as I'm not throwing ice water on these warmed bottles, I wonder what types of stress these bottles are capable of taking. Does anyone know first-hand what happens to these bottles when they act as insulation? From what I have seen thus far, people tend to bury them without a mechanical seal, and rather plug them with mud, but under a further layer of mud/sand, does the bottle suck the plug in? (Which reminds me of that school experiment where an egg is sucked into a bottle)

On your advice then, I shall endeavour to make a mortar made from mostly clay to smear over the core (to essentially seal it.)

Thanks again.

10 years ago
Ooops.. I should add that I'm trying my best not to create a heat sink around the core, so I'm trying to keep mortar (or clay) down to a minimum.
10 years ago
Hello there.

I was hoping to gleen some advice regarding mortar. I'm planning on building a rocket oven in shed at the bottom of garden. I aim to build the burn chamber, and heat riser from some reclaimed storage heater bricks. These are roughly 9" square, and I have thus far chopped these in half using a hammer and bolster. I have thus pieced these together roughly like so to form the elbow of a J-rocket stove. I aim to maintain a rough 3" internal diameter, because I want to use steel cans to complete the last parts of the chimney.

I will extend the height of the heat riser a little more before it reaches the oven. Around the burn chamber and heat riser I will build an outer wall to create a cavity, to which I am very tempted to fill with perlite, glass jars with lids on, and/or airtight tin cans. My question is, what is the best type of mortar, if indeed any, for me to use on the backside of the storage bricks (away from the face of fire) to effectively seal them, and try to make airtight. Would I get away with using a mixture of sand mixed with cement and mud concoction? Is it really necessary for me to add lime? Would I be better off slapping a bit of pure clay over the seams? I seem to lack clay in the garden, but am happy to get my hands on a bag of bentonite kit litter to do the job. Or indeed, is it actually necessary for me to seal the outside of the bricks at all?

Great to see a forum devoted to rocket stoves, and I hope to add more pics as the project moves along. Thanks for any advice!
10 years ago