Kim Kaseman

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since Jan 17, 2015
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The FB group is a beekeeping group. Im hoping to have my hives next year. There is a beekeeping class in Fargo. It's at the fargo public library on March 24th at 7 pm. Not sure if you're willing to drive here. Might be stuff in GF. Try local library.
10 years ago
Hi Wyatt! I've found a couple other guys from GF on a FB group. There's not a lot lot of ppl up here bee keeping. I get excited when I find someone in our are! How long you been keeping, how many hives, etc???
10 years ago
Yes, we've decided not to use plywood! Heard it's bad! Thanks though
10 years ago
Search long hives, European long hives... Wikipedia gives you several different names for them. I found this last night and I love it!
10 years ago
The second pic is the one I really like! They have like 3 colonies in there!
10 years ago
Quintin, I do understand the dif between warre and Kenya tbh. We are thinking of trying to make a Tanzanian style tbh with a langs on the top. I have heard of some ppl keeping tbh in cold climates. We are headed for an adventure for sure!
10 years ago
I am in the Fargo/Moorhead area. Not sure how far you are away from me. I love the warre idea. I think we will start with langs( I have a friend selling some) and maybe couple of tbh.
10 years ago
Hi Jacob. Beekeeping not quite as popular in my area as southern MN. But I am finding more contacts thanks for the encouragement!
10 years ago
I'm also in MN. Farther North, though. I've also been told that there's not a large population of feral bees here and catching swarms will be hard. I'm determined to try!
10 years ago