Christopher Thompson

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since Jan 31, 2015
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Hey Alex
You should totally check out the Thrive movie, and the Thrive movement (just Google to get the links), as these are very similar to the Zeitgeist movies and movement. I was totally blown away by Zeitgeist years ago, but I was even more blown away by Thrive recently. I love the idea of a resource based and money free economy, as money has destroyed my life, and I am very aware of how it is currently destroying billions of other lives around the world. I wish I could help you build an intentional community, however I have nothing in the way of skills/knowledge/money to contribute, which is why I'm looking to join an intentional community that's already up and running. I have a friend called Daan Gorter who's looking to set up an intentional community in the Netherlands or Denmark (I think it was one of those countries, I haven't had contact with Daan for a few months), and I'm sure he wouldn't mind me giving you his email address: Just tell him Chris Thompson sent you. Good luck with your intentional community: I'm sure that this, and a resource based economy, are the way of the future. The signs are all over the internet, that money and environmentally destructive lifestyles, are on their way out.

Good journey
10 years ago