As others have mentioned, growing won't be a problem, but fruiting might be trickier for some plants. I'm far from an expert and don't have a solar greenhouse, just a metal-frame-and-plastic thing I got on eBay, but I love the challenge of finding out what will actually grow here, and how well.
I've had great success with my potted Improved Meyer Lemon tree, and I get upwards of a dozen fruits a year now. I move it out of the greenhouse once it warms up; the bees and hummingbirds love it, and it fills the yard with its blossoms' sweet fragrance. This success led me to try oranges, and I have seedlings coming up now.
I also have a ten year old coffee tree that I keep indoors through the winter. It's growing slowly, but has yet to fruit. I think probably the house doesn't get enough light during the winter.
Other tropicals that I have growing at the moment include turmeric, ginger, Hawaiian ti plant, plumeria, pineapple (which I actually got to fruit once), avocados, and mangoes. I started over with the avocados and mangoes last year, as a deep cold snap took out my seven year old specimens of each a couple winters ago. The little heater in the greenhouse just wasn't up to the task.
I also have a small stand of ornamental bananas in the ground that have been thriving for a couple of years now. I'm hoping this winter's prolonged freezes haven't gone too deep and killed it. I've heard that others have had success with potted papaya and guava trees but I'm unsure about fruiting, and I've never gotten the seeds to germinate myself.